Standing & Seated Yoga

This class is a good choice for those who would like to do a mix of standing and seated yoga, but do not wish to include any floorwork.

Mixed Group of people practicing standing yoga postures each with a chair at their side.

This popular class is a hybrid of the Gentle Yoga class which includes floorwork and the Chair-Based class which is mainly seated. The chair offers a great alternative to kneeling or sitting down on the floor and can be used to aid balance during any standing poses.


This class may also appeal to those who prefer to take things a bit more slowly with a greater sense of ease. Each person has a chair and a yoga mat (available to borrow if you don't have your own 😊) and we alternate between standing and seated yoga with frequent pauses in-between to "rest and digest". The breathwork and short relaxation at the end of the class will leave you feeling calm, peaceful, relaxed, and restored.

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