What is "Gentle" Yoga?

  • Yoga teacher with hands on her belly instructing students to engage their core muscles when practicing yoga.

  • A yoga teacher demonstrating the warrior pose to a group of people practicing yoga outdoors.

No Stress or Strain

Gentle Yoga describes a way of moving the body, or even being still, in such a way that feels both natural and does not cause harm. We aim to avoid undue stress or strain, after all, why increase strain and tension in the body or mind when we want to release it?


Do not mistake "gentle" for "wishy-washy" or for doing "diddley squat"! Gentle does not mean that we don't apply effort, rather we aim to strike a balance between effort and ease


Yoga strengthens as well as stretches the body, and consequently it is a great tool for safely increasing core strength, reducing back and other joint pain, improving balance, and helping us to develop a strong and steady mind.

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